Juniper Foundation
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Our Mission:

Local. Community. Learning.

Supporting children and families in creating life-long paths of learning and growth within their communities.

Our website, and this foundation, are currently under construction. We are launching in the summer of 2024!



Families are craving alternatives to brick and mortar schools in urban and rural neighborhoods across America. To meet these needs, a diverse field of educators have created a stunning variety of small, mobile solutions. We can learn from these models. Today, it’s possible like never before to integrate a child’s education within a structure of family, friends, and professionals in your community.

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Joseph Sarosy

Joseph Sarosy is a science geek. He is the Executive Director of the Juniper Foundation, the author of How to Tell Stories to Children (Harvest/Harper Collins, now in 21 languages), and the creator of the Juniper School, a microschool serving learners in Taos, New Mexico since 2017. In 2023 he was awarded a VELA Education grant to further alternative approaches to education in Taos.

Sarosy created the Juniper Foundation to support families and organizations building novel educational resources for children in homeschools, microschools, and traditional schools. By partnering with elders, craftspeople, families, farmers, scientists, teachers, technicians, artists, and professionals, we are building a web of learning that reaches across traditional boundaries and into families, farms, schools, businesses, and communities. Let’s connect.

REad Joseph Sarosy on Substack


“This book will help to promote storytelling as a key educational tool.”

Dr. Jane Goodall



21 Languages worldwide


“Storytelling allows a student to explore a subject and arrive at conclusions on their own. Teachers and learners of all ages benefit from this creative approach because it diverts attention from the top-down relationship of teacher/student into a neutral space of story. In this educational zone, mutual sympathy and care allow a lot of learning to transpire.”

Joseph Sarosy


Our Programs

Our mission is to integrate learning into real life experiences. This ranges from workshops and trainings to networking gatherings, outdoor events, and creative collaborations for children, families, teachers, schools, museums, libraries, and educational centers. Join our programs, or learn how to create them in your own community.


Outdoor Learning

We organize hands-on learning events in nature, where students of all ages can immerse themselves and explore topics ranging from geology, biology, nature crafts, writing, storytelling, and more. Check out our calendar.


We partner with families and organizations to build homeschools, microschools, and other learning structures in your community. This can range from year-round programs to one-time events. We lend our experience and skill to get you started.


We teach storytelling skills to parents, teachers, and caregivers. A free and universal gift to all humans, storytelling helps people remember information and create thriving relationships. Contact us to learn how we can support you.

Integrated Ages

We seek educational opportunities that integrate life’s ages, skills, and communities. Children learn from elders. Elders learn from children. Through dynamic programs that support the learning and growth of all participants, we help communities thrive.


Get Involved

The Juniper Foundation is dedicated to increasing educational diversity, creativity, and community in northern New Mexico. We help children, teachers, elders, professionals, and families connect to form networks of mutual learning and growth.


Join our programs

Connect with us at events and community gatherings.

Follow us online

Read Joseph Sarosy and his students online at Juniper Heartwood.

Make a Donation

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